Archive for February, 2018

Twitterstorm: February 23, 2018 Calling on the U.S. to Return Guantanamo to Cuba

February 23, 2018

JSC: Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba

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Twitterstorm February 23, 2018 Calling on the U.S. to Return Guantanamo to Cuba

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A Conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases took place at the University of Baltimore in January with the main theme being the closure of all foreign U.S. bases. The conference was organized by the Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases
During the two-day event a number of resolutions were approved including one on Guantanamo. To see the Resolution click here:
The organizers called upon the global peace movement to organize actions on or around February 23, 2018, coinciding with the 115th anniversary of seizure and occupation of Guantanamo….“We are calling for the United States to promptly withdraw all its forces and personnel from Guantanamo Bay and immediately declare ALL agreements ceding Cuban control of Guantanamo Bay to the U.S. to be null and void.”
As part of a Global Day of Actions…

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Derecha y Mafia anticubana de Miami financian acciones subversivas contra Cuba en Cumbre de las Américas

February 14, 2018

El joven cubano

Sectores de la ultraderecha y la mafia anticubana de Miami esperan utilizar el escenario de la próxima Cumbre de las Américas, que tendrá lugar en Perú en abril próximo, para intentar desacreditar la imagen de Venezuela y Cuba durante ese evento.

De acuerdo con el financiamiento y entrenamiento que recibe por su condición de agente de la CIA, la contrarrevolucionaria, Rosa María Payá, debe jugar un papel protagónico en el nuevo show anticubano que debe tener lugar a la par de  la Cumbre en Perú.

La maniobra anticubana, además de profundizar en  interrumpir el proceso de normalización de relaciones entre la isla y EEUU, busca, -con la complicidad del Secretario General de la OEA, Luis Almagro-, desacreditar y boicotear el proceso eleccionario que tendrá lugar en la Isla en el mismo mes de abril.

Como se sabe, Payá es una marioneta del senador Marco Rubio quien recientemente incitó a apoyar…

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Bolivia: Evo Morales Presents Govt. Progress Report

February 14, 2018

JSC: Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba

Source:  TeleSUR
January 22 2018

The Indigenous leader showed a graph with data proving that Bolivia is the “first in economic growth in all of South America.”

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Bolivian President Evo Morales. | Photo: Reuters

Bolivian President Evo Morales has presented a report on government progress under his administration to the country’s Plurinational Legislative Assembly on the 12th anniversary of its foundation.

RELATED:  Bolivia’s Infant Mortality Rate Significantly Reduced by 56%

“There are already 12 years of social and political stability, 12 years of the formation of the Plurinational State, and I am here to give an account to all the Bolivian people,” Morales said, thanking those who accompanied him during his administration.

The people came to power

The head of state said “the presence of assembly members of all colors, of all sectors, is proof that the people came to power.”

Morales said that his country’s economic, political and social…

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With Cuba’s Help, First Specialist Hospital to Open in Liberia

February 14, 2018

JSC: Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba

Source:  frontpageafricaonline

February 6 2018

by Gerald C. Koinyeneh – 

Partner Liberia, Dr. Oniyama Open First Specialist Hospital in Liberia

liberia partners.jpgMonrovia – The Country Director of Partner Liberia, Joe Daweah, has announced that his entity has entered into an agreement with Dr. Nelson Oniyama to open the first medical specialist Hospital in Liberia.

Making the disclosure to FrontPageAfrica on Monday, January 29, Daweah said that the Oniyama Specialist and Teaching Hospital (OSTH) is an initial 50 beds medical center that will “provide unmatched health care delivery in a seamless, professional and affordable manner.”

Medical specialists from Cuba

The center is located at the old Island Clinic in Bushrod Island and staffed by highly skilled medical specialists from Cuba.

They are trained in diverse areas of medical specializations which are lacking in most medical facilities in West Africa.

“Our medical specialists include Internists, Orthopedic Surgeons, Urology Surgeons, Obstetric Gynecologists…

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The cornerstone of community participation

February 14, 2018

JSC: Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba

Source:  Granma

February 12 2018

People’s Councils are the true, absolutely democratic authority in Cuban neighborhoods, the essential level of the socialist state’s People’s Power system, an idea Fidel outlined, describing these bodies as the cornerstone of community participation

people's council in cuba

Military parade for the 60th anniversary of the Revolutionary Armed Photo: Anabel Díaz

People’s Councils are the true, absolutely democratic authority in Cuban neighborhoods, the essential level of the socialist state’s People’s Power system, an idea Fidel outlined, describing these bodies as the cornerstone of community participation in the resolution of problems.

esteban lazo feb 2018.jpgThis concept was highlighted by Esteban Lazo Hernández, president of the National Assembly of People’s Power, during a recent meeting held in the province, to evaluate a training seminar for presidents of these bodies, with a view toward improving their effectiveness.

Omayda Gómez, president of the Luisa People’s Council in the municipality of Jovellanos, said she considered the training…

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Elecciones 2018, el cambio que se avecina

February 13, 2018

Desde Cuba te cuento


Por: Rouslyn Navia y Ana Isa Vidal

El 24 de febrero de 2013, al conformarse la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, el Presidente Raúl Castro anunció a Cuba y el mundo que no optaría por una tercera reelección y, por ende, no continuaría al frente del país luego de las elecciones que tendrán lugar en este 2018.

Desde entonces, y a medida que la fecha prevista se acercaba, algunos medios internacionales han especulado sobre lo que pudiera ocurrir en la Isla una vez que la generación histórica, aquella que gestó y llevó a cabo la Revolución, no se encontrara al frente del gobierno cubano.

Desde Miami, probablemente, algunos incluso se hayan estado afilando los colmillos a la espera de alguna especie de hecatombe o caos tras el actual proceso electoral.

¿Qué sucederá cuando se conforme la nueva Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular en este año? ¿Está garantizado el relevo para asumir…

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Why is Cuba developing a new pneumococcal vaccine?

February 13, 2018

JSC: Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba

Source:  Granma

The new vaccine is another guarantee of the well-being of Cuban children. Photo: Ariel Cecilio Lemus

The mere fact of being able to tell Cuban families that a new, effective and safe Cuban pneumococcal vaccine will soon be available, work on which has been advancing since 2006, is already more than just “good news.”

It’s a comforting thought, “after so many years of development of this vaccine candidate, which includes seven serotypes in a single vaccine and, therefore, it is as if we were developing seven vaccines in one. This singularity has made preclinical demonstrations, the pharmaceutical development and clinical demonstration more complex,”…

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US Will Build New Military Base in Northern Argentina

February 12, 2018

JSC: Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba

Source:  TeleSUR
February 11 2018

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George Piro (middle l), Subdirector for FBI International Operations and Patricia Bullrich, Argentine Minister of Security, meet with other U.S. functionaries in Washington, D.C. to discuss U.S. military and FBI presence in Argentina. Feb. 9, 2018. | Photo: @PatoBullrich

Argentine President Mauricio Macri is also letting in more DEA, FBI, and U.S. military forces to control narcotrafficking and terrorism within the country.

Argentina is allowing the U.S. to build a new military base at its northern border with Brazil and Paraguay. Officials of the South American country also announced that it will work with Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) at the triple border “to analyze where drugs are coming from.”

RELATED:   Argentina: Tillerson and Macri Discuss Venezuela, Trade

Argentina’s Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich announced in Washington that the Mauricio Macri administration is going to allow the U.S. to build a military base in Posadas, Misiones, bordering…

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The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale: Why we owe our freedom to the Cubans

February 7, 2018

JSC: Jamaicans in Solidarity with Cuba

Source:  Daily Maverick

by Oscar Van Heerden

17 January 2018 (SOUTH AFRICA)

Cyril Ramaphosa south africa.jpgWhen the president of the ANC, Cyril Ramaphosa, in his inaugural address at the celebration of the ANC 106th birthday rally this past weekend said that we owe Cuba a great debt of gratitude for our freedom, and that we should increase our trade relations with the island’s people, he knows why.

The so-called official version of post-apartheid history many in our country and elsewhere would have us believe is that FW de Klerk woke up one day and decided, out of the goodness of his heart, that it was time for change. That the time had come to release political prisoners (including Nelson Mandela), to unban political organisations and to finally enter into negotiations with the liberation movements, to find lasting peace, and hence he received the Nobel Peace Prize for all his wonderful efforts. Well, you…

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ZunZuneo aleteo de subversión enfocado a la juventud cubana

February 4, 2018

El joven cubano

Por Redacción Razones de Cuba

Alas de pura subversión desplegó ZunZuneo, una operación secreta contra Cuba -financiada y dirigida por la Agencia de Estados Unidos para la Ayuda al Desarrollo (USAID)-, destinada a socavar al gobierno a través del ciberespacio, y enfocada a la juventud por su preferencia, interés y acceso a las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.

Aunque desde que se reveló al público y se anunció su inoperancia ha sido repudiada en todo el mundo por su trasfondo oscuro e injerencista, ello no significa el fin de las conspiraciones orquestadas por el imperio para acabar con la Revolución.

Esta práctica no se va a detener y los pronósticos no apuntan a que se reduzca, aseveró a la Agencia de Información Nacional (AIN) la doctora Leyda Carrillo, especialista del Centro de Investigaciones de Política Internacional.

El propósito es erosionar la tranquilidad ciudadana, expandir la ideología dominante…

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